Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am blond and greeneyed.  I wonder if skittles taste like the rainbow.  I hear people talking.  I see a class room.  I want to leave school.  I am  blonde and green eyed.  I pretend to die.  I feel bored.  I touch the ground.  i worry about nothing.  i cry never.  I am blonde and green eyed.  I understand somethings.  I say words.  I dream dreams.  I try things.  I hope stuff.  I am blond and greeneyed.

Monday, January 3, 2011


This Christmas break was really fun.  For Christmas I got a PlayStation 3, a season pass ( I got it at the beginning of the season), a snowboard, and a new creature skateboard deck.  Its so tight.  over Christmas break I went snow boarding 4 times it was really fun with my new snow board. My friends from California came out to visit.  It was so fun.  On Saturday my Dad bought black ops its a really fun game its so addicting yesterday i played it from 2:00 to 7:00 its kind of gross its really really fun.  I found 10 dollars on the ground out side in front of target it was pretty cool.  On New Years eve I played black ops with my friend Jack from California he brought it from his house we played it until 5:30.  Christmas break was really awesome!!!!!!!

the giver

I think living in a utopia would really not be fun, because you do not get to make your choices.  I wouldn't want people to choose my wife that would be really weird.  I do not like how the community releases the kids and the elderly its really messed up in the head.  I would like to choose my own job though. So I think utopias are really bad they would not be fun at all.  There are some good things about utopias, like you get food for free and there would never be a bad economy.