Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am blond and greeneyed.  I wonder if skittles taste like the rainbow.  I hear people talking.  I see a class room.  I want to leave school.  I am  blonde and green eyed.  I pretend to die.  I feel bored.  I touch the ground.  i worry about nothing.  i cry never.  I am blonde and green eyed.  I understand somethings.  I say words.  I dream dreams.  I try things.  I hope stuff.  I am blond and greeneyed.

Monday, January 3, 2011


This Christmas break was really fun.  For Christmas I got a PlayStation 3, a season pass ( I got it at the beginning of the season), a snowboard, and a new creature skateboard deck.  Its so tight.  over Christmas break I went snow boarding 4 times it was really fun with my new snow board. My friends from California came out to visit.  It was so fun.  On Saturday my Dad bought black ops its a really fun game its so addicting yesterday i played it from 2:00 to 7:00 its kind of gross its really really fun.  I found 10 dollars on the ground out side in front of target it was pretty cool.  On New Years eve I played black ops with my friend Jack from California he brought it from his house we played it until 5:30.  Christmas break was really awesome!!!!!!!

the giver

I think living in a utopia would really not be fun, because you do not get to make your choices.  I wouldn't want people to choose my wife that would be really weird.  I do not like how the community releases the kids and the elderly its really messed up in the head.  I would like to choose my own job though. So I think utopias are really bad they would not be fun at all.  There are some good things about utopias, like you get food for free and there would never be a bad economy.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sliding Out in Provo Canyon

Powder.  This is something I hunger for.  My dad and I have an apatite for this white fluffy stuff.  While in our pursuit to quench our powdery thirst we had do drive through a canyon with a frozen rode.  We started to drift to the opposite side of the road and then again to the side near the river, cars were honking and we kept on sliding back and forth going 55mph.  There were golf ball sized goosebumps on the side of my arm and I could tell by my dads interesting use of vocabulary he was not so happy either.  We were thinking to our selfs oh no we are going to miss the powder day!  FINALLY!  We stopped sliding and gained control of the monstrous beast of metal and started moving in a forward motion.  My dad and I will always remember that bone chilling moment.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Pet Problem

The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem.  Just this week I have come to the realization that pets are defnetly not for me.  First it all started out with LaFonda.  LaFonda was a little bunny.  I really wanted this bunny I was about 8 Years old.  Lets just say she died after acouple of weeks in her cage.  Then I got a hamster and I named It beyonce.  Refusing to clean its cage after 2 months my mom gave it back to the pet store.  Okay I had some fish.  I thought they would be easy to take care of but no, no they are not.  There was mold growing on the inside walls and then they all died.  Now I have 2 rats.  Ahhh 2 rats.  They really suck.  It turns out that they poop and eat and thats all they do.  A couple of days ago I went to the pet store to give back my rats.  So I dont have a pet problem, I just have a problem with responsibility.